Welcome to the Scientist Entrepreneur Hub, a curated resource hub providing valuable resources for researchers and scientists who are considering starting a company to commercialize their findings.

This hub equips you with the necessary knowledge, practical steps, case study inspiration, or expert advice. You can find guidelines from technology transfer offices or venture capitalists 📖, intellectual property tips💲, case studies of scientists converted to entrepreneurs examples of analyses to assess the tech scalability 🚀 and much more!

Resource hub pages:

How to start - from lab to market

Intellectual Property (IP)- focus on patent

Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)

This resource hub is a dynamic space, continually evolving and ⚒️ under construction to ensure that it remains current and beneficial for your entrepreneurial endeavors. If you have suggestions, additions, or new resources that you think should be included, your input is always welcome, and feel free to contact me.

<aside> 💡 Want to add something? Have a question? Reach out.


Other useful hub

<aside> 🧪 PhD resources collection: If you are PhD or a Researcher, here is a hub for need helping with your daily work- a collection of valuable resources, websites, and software to improve your workflow and make your life easier! Ph.D.’s resources


<aside> 🚀 Looking for general resources for founders, have a look here: Startup Library
